Resurrecting Easter

Meditations for the Great 50 Days

Kate Moorehead

Morehouse Publishing

Oct/2013, 160 Pages, Paperback, 5 x 7

ISBN: 9780819228482



A devotional resource for the forgotten post- Easter season.

American Christians have forgotten the Easter season. We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus on one day and then return to ordinary time. But Christ appeared over and over again for forty days in resurrected form. We cannot sustain this resurrection season because that kind of sustained joy overwhelms us. This book is designed to help us sustain Easter.

KATE MOOREHEAD is Dean of St John’s Cathedral in Jacksonville Florida. She is the first female dean in the Diocese of Florida. The author of Resurrecting Easter, she is a graduate of Vassar, Yale Divinity School, and Virginia Theological Seminary.

“Kate Moorehead, a gifted church leader and pastor, is also a priest with a cause—reclaiming the Great Fifty Days of Easter as a vital spiritual resource. These wise and often moving daily meditations are filled with wisdom and encouragement for discovering the reality of Easter in our day-to-day lives. Here you will find windows aplenty onto a world shining in resurrection light.”—The Reverend Dr. Samuel T. Lloyd III, former dean of Washington National Cathedral, now at Trinity Church in Boston

“Kate Moorehead consistently advocates for a generous Christian orthodoxy grounded in faithful, disciplined practice and joyful living. Her books are inspirational, accessible and practical. I highly recommend her work!”—The Right Reverend J. Scott Barker, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska

“The Very Reverend Kate Moorehead has made a marvelous contribution toward recovering one of the greatest and least celebrated seasons of the Church Year; Eastertide. She has written a compelling series of meditations on the Great Fifty Days of Easter which will inspire her readers to embrace the power of the Resurrection on Easter and beyond. Kate has a wonderful way of lovingly confronting her readers with the essential truths of the Christian faith. Put this book on your reading list.”—The Right Reverend Dean E. Wolfe, Vice President of the House of Bishops, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

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