Living the Resurrection

Reflections After Easter

C. Franklin Brookhart

Morehouse Publishing

Oct/2012, 128 Pages, Paperback, 5 x 7

ISBN: 9780819227959



How do we live as "resurrection people"? How do we take those stories into our hearts and lives, living as though we believe resurrection to be a reality?

Frank Brookhart takes stories of the resurrection and illuminates a way for Christians and seekers to explore life in the new creation. Tying the Gospel narrative to our lives as followers of Jesus, he proposes a means for transforming people and churches through living into the resurrection with the Risen Lord.

C. Franklin Brookhart is the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Montana and the author of Living the Resurrection, from Morehouse Publishing.

“Bishop Brookhart has given a great gift to the church and every disciple of the Risen Christ. He speaks with hope and gratitude to a church and culture that is riddled with fear and anxiety about the past, present and future. His adroit use of the everyday helps us to see resurrection possibility everywhere and in everyone. The reader will be invited again to believe in the resurrection but most of all to live the resurrection every minute of every day in every setting.” —Gregory Vaughn Palmer, Resident Bishop, Ohio West Episcopal Area, The United Methodist Church

“We Western Christians tend to form our spiritual lives almost exclusively around Lenten themes and disciplines. Frank Brookhart's insightful meditation on Easter and the centrality of the resurrection for Christian formation provides a salutary course correction for our spiritual journey.” —Kendall McCabe, Professor Emeritus of Homiletics and Worship, United Theological Seminary

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