The Week That Changed the World

The Complete Easter Story

Timothy Dean Roth

Seabury Books

Sep/2009, 113 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781596271067



Beginning with Palm Sunday, the gospels record every day of Jesus’ life up to the time of his death and resurrection. These eight days are unparalleled in the canon of Scripture for their narrative power, their detail, and their focus. A unique synthesis of the four gospel accounts of the passion and resurrection of Christ is provided in this seamless and elegant narrative account of the Easter events, including every detail mentioned in all four Gospels, but without any unnecessary repetition or distracting references.

A chapter is assigned to each of these days to facilitate devotional reading and study during the days leading up to Easter. Two chapters are added on either side of the eight days to round out the story. A study guide is also included.

The book invites reader to experience the events of Christ’s passion as they happened, thus fully entering into the drama of the Easter story. More than anything, this book is an invitation to join Jesus and the disciples in walking the road that leads to Jerusalem, and to experience the events that happened there in an intimate and life-changing way.

Timothy Dean Roth is a writer, theologian, and artist who lives in Ridgefield, Washington. He holds degrees from Wheaton College and Duke Divinity School. This project was developed in cooperation with Zondervan Press, which provided publishing rights for the TNIV translation.

“If you want to be touched by God incarnate and have your life changed forever, it will only happen when you meet Jesus as the man who did for you what you cannot do for yourself. Tim Roth weaves the parallel stories of Jesus’ final days into an original and brilliant unified text that lifts the ancient story right into your own.”—Robert E. Webber (1933-2007), theologian, prolific author, and former president of the Institute for Worship Studies in Jacksonville, Florida

“This book is an exceptional gift for Holy Week, meditation, and prayer. Tim Roth has done us an extraordinary service in bringing together all the gospel accounts and enabling us to comprehend and become immersed in the vastness of Christ’s sufferings. The complete Easter story fills us with unshakeable hope! Above all, my heart and life were deepened in gratitude.”—Marva J. Dawn, theologian, musician, educator, and award-winning author of twenty books, including Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down: A Theology of Worship for This Urgent Time

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