40 Days

The Daily Office for Lent

Frank L. Tedeschi

Church Publishing

Jan/2006, 410 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780898695175



Many people want to "take on" a discipline for Lent rather than "give up" something. One of the disciplines that many Episcopalians--and other Christians--wistfully think about taking on is the regimen of structured daily prayer that includes the course-reading of Scripture. Forty Days: The Daily Office for Lent offers an accessible, doable, toe-in-the-water introduction to the private recitation of Morning and/or Evening Prayer .


    •Rite two morning and evening prayer the Book of Common Prayer

    •The collects, and all Bible readings for both lectionary years, from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday

    •The Psalter as prescribed and edited for each day in Lent

    •An office proper for St. Joseph [March 19] and the Annunciation [March 25]

Frank L. Tedeschiwas previouslythe executive editor at Church Publishing Inc. and the publisher's representative with the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of the Episcopal Church. He is the editor of 40 Days: The Daily Office for Lent, Ministry with the Sick, and several other CPI liturgical books. He lives in New York City.

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