The Quantity of a Hazelnut

Fae Malania

Seabury Books

Nov/2005, 138 Pages, Paperback, 5 x 7

ISBN: 9781596270145



"Fae Malania's lovely book is a small offering, like a hazelnut. Like the hazelnut, this book is a reminder of God's love. And like a hazelnut, it can unlock a world."—Lauren F. Winner, author of Girl Meets God and Mudbath Sabbath

As in Julian of Norwich's hazelnut story, the touchstones of Fae Melania's spirituality are ordinary, humble things. Christian life happens in the ordinary--when we do the dishes, when we garden, when we tuck our children into bed, even when we argue with our spouses. Fae Malania recognized this truth half a century ago. In these pages, you'll read about her kitchen epiphanies, and the spiritual insights that come to her while reading the newspaper.

"To begin with, never mind pleasure," writes Fae Malania in her account of one woman's discovery of faith, "Search out joy." In this newly revived classic, the image of a hazelnut calls up Julian of Norwich and her vision of a God who holds the smallest thing in being, a hazelnut or a sparrow, by the sheer force of love. Whether reflecting on a pigeon crossing East 36th Street to the ironies of trying to live simply, from Scarlatti on the car radio to the secret life of insects, Malania's voice is unique and her vision clear.

Fae Malania lives in Cooperstown, New York. Born in 1919, she is a graduate of Swarthmore College, a former staff member at Mademoiselle, and a writer. She is the widow of Leo Malania, an Episcopal priest and one of the architects of The Book of Common Prayer.

"The resurrection of a good book is always cause for celebration. The Quantity of a Hazelnut is a very good book indeed, neither extremely loud nor incredibly close but quietly unforgettable."—John Wilson, Editor, Books Culture

"With beautiful language and a winning confessional style, Malania offers a spiritual vision that is steeped in traditional Catholicism while open to truth in diverse places."—Jana Reiss, author of What Would Buffy Do? The Vampire Slayer as Spiritual Guide

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