What Would Jesus Sing?

Experimentation and Tradition in Church Music

Marilyn Haskel

Church Publishing

Sep/2007, 186 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780898695632



Ten essays about what churches are doing that is not "business as usual" in their music ministry. Includes theological and liturgical rationale, basic "how-to" information, and personal testimony to the communal advantages of each ministry, as well as descriptions of alternative/additional worship services that are flourishing across the country.

Includes material about contemporary ensembles, jazz, handbells, guitars, synthesizers, electronic music and the emerging church, organs and choirs, youth, amateur, professional instrumentalists, cantors, Taize services, Compline, and the Hip Hop eMass.

Marilyn Haskel is a career church musician with more than thirty-five years experience working in parishes in West Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Texas, and California. She was chair of the Standing Commission on Church Music when it produced Wonder, Love, and Praise published by Church Publishing. Currently, she is Music Associate at Trinity Episcopal Church, Wall Street, New York City working at historic St. Paul’s Chapel, and she is a presenter with All Saints Company for their “Music That Makes Community” conferences.

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