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Church Publishing Incorporated
Jan/2000, 248 Pages, Loose-Leaf, 8 x 11
ISBN-13: 9780898690064
The Holy Eucharist, Rites One and Two, from the Book of Common Prayer, with music for all proper prefaces and conclusions to Eucharistic Prayers; Prayers of the People; Communion under Special Circumstances; An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist; The Service of Light.
Musical Appendix contains Opening Acclamations, Blessings and Dismissals, instructions for chanting the Lessons and the Gospel; the Prayers of the People; baptismal litany and Thanksgiving Over the Water; Consecration of the Chrism. (238 pages)
Hole-punched for inclusion in the Holy Eucharist, Altar Edition, Binder. Binder sold separately (9780898690453).