Planning the Church Year

Leonel L. Mitchell

Morehouse Publishing

Aug/1991, 104 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819215543



A comprehensive, detailed handbook for the entire liturgical year that includes colors, music, and decorations for each season and occasion.

This guide for clergy, parish musicians, lay readers, and congregational representatives covers all the stages of organizing worship services for the entire year. Using The Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal 1982 as primary resources, it explores the rich variety of options—both time-honored traditions and accepted innovations.

Times and seasons covered in depth include Advent, the Twelve Days of Christmas, Lent and Holy Week, Easter and the Great Fifty Days, and the Sundays after Epiphany and Pentecost. Planning the Church Year explains the preparations that make for meaningful holy days and special occasions, such as Lesser Feasts, Thanksgiving Day, Vigils, Michaelmas, All Saints’ Day, the bishop’s visitation, the Patronal and Dedication Festivals.

Leonel L. Mitchell was an Episcopal priest, theologian, and professor of Liturgics at Seabury-Western Seminary. He is the author of Planning the Church Year, The Way We Pray: An Introduction to the Book of Common Prayer, and Pastoral and Occasional Liturgies: A Ceremonial Guide. He died in 2012.

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