My Heart Sings Out - Teacher's Edition

Fiona Vidal-White, Church Publishing Incorporated

Church Publishing

Nov/2005, 293 Pages, Spiral bound, 12 x 9

ISBN: 9780898695014

This is the companion volume to My Heart Sings Out, a collection of hymns, songs, and service music chosen for their particular usefulness in liturgy that is designed intentionally to include children. Intergenerational participation in the liturgy is essential for growing churches.

In addition to all of the music from the singer's edition, the Teacher's Guide includes:

    Brief essays on choosing music and texts appropriate for children; teaching music to children; the importance of a cantor as music leader; and planning worship using the "multiple intelligences" theory to better engage both children and adults.

    Suggestions for performance, including additional rhythmic and instrumental parts, ideas for use of multiple voice parts, and ways to make performance simpler or more complex depending on resources.

    Scriptural and lectionary material, including teaching ideas about understanding the story or theme of the day.

    Guidelines for planning children's chapel services, and for organizing musical content in church school classes and other special learning events.

    Musical concerns when teaching, including a breakdown of teaching methods for each piece: points of difficulty, patterns of rhythm or melody, etc. to make the music readily accessible to children and adults.

    Extensive indexes that list the types of accompanying instrumentation, that categorize selections by age level, that list which selections have harmony parts, that match scripture to texts, plus a liturgical index and a topical index.

Fiona Vidal-White, a native of England, has been active in church music since childhood. She has a master's degree in sacred music from Boston University, and has worked with children's and adult choirs in England and the United States.

Church Publishing Incorporated, founded in 1918, is a publisher of trade books for general readers (inspiration, leadership, financial wellness, social justice), academic works, and professional church resources, including a suite of electronic products. It publishes The Book of Common Prayer, The Hymnal 1982, and content used in the liturgy, faith formation, and mission of The Episcopal Church.

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