An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

A User-Friendly Reference for Episcopalians

Robert Boak Slocum, Don S. Armentrout

Church Publishing

Jan/2000, 578 Pages, Paperback, 7 x 9

ISBN: 9780898692112



A comprehensive, quick reference for all Episcopalians, both lay and ordained.

This thoroughly researched, highly readable resource contains more than 3,000 clearly entries about the history, structure, liturgy, and theology of the Episcopal Church—and the larger Christian church worldwide. The editors have also provided a helpful bibliography of key reference works and additional background materials.

“This tool belongs on the shelf of just about anyone who cares for, works in or with, or even wonders about the Episcopal Church.”—The Episcopal New Yorker

Robert Boak Slocum is an Episcopal priest, author, and editor most known for An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church: A User-Friendly Reference for Episcopalians. He serves as Priest-in-Partnership at the Church of Ascension and the Canon for Virtual and Online Learning at All Saints’ Cathedral. Robert has served on the board of the Anglican Theological Review and is now on the Executive Council for the Diocese of Lexington. He received his doctorate in theology at Marquette University. He lives in Danville, Kentucky.

Don S. Armentrout (1939–2013) was a professor of church history and historical theology, the Charles Quintard Professor of Dogmatic Theology at the University of the South School of Theology, where he also served as director of the Advanced Degrees Program. He was the author of many books, including The Theology of William Porcher Dubose and Prophet of Justice, Prophet of Life: Essays on William Stringfellow.

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