A Plan for Stewardship Education and Development Through the Year

David W. Gordon

Morehouse Publishing

Nov/1998, 82 Pages, Paperback, 8.5 x 11

ISBN: 9780819218032

Help your congregation develop a deeper understanding of stewardship that goes well beyond the traditional function of supporting the church financially.

With this comprehensive manual, you'll learn how to plan and implement a year-round stewardship focus that involves more members in the life of the church community. Includes instructions for educating the congregation on the mission and ministry of the church and developing a long-range plan, plus useful tips and resources for organizing stewardship events, and forms for charting progress throughout the year. A "must read" for any congregation that wants to move beyond a once-a-year focus on Christian stewardship.

"Very practical with a spiritual base..."—The Living Church

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