Father Tim's Church Survival Guide

Tim Schenck

Morehouse Publishing

Jan/2015, 176 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819229588



"“If you have little tolerance for ecclesiastical blowhards; if you’ve ever fantasized about implementing a clergy rating system (CRS); if you’ve ever sought tips on surviving diocesan convention; if you’ve ever tried to weasel your way out of pledging; then this book is for you,” says author Tim Schenck.

“My take on church life isn’t for everyone—clergy who take themselves too seriously will hate it. But know that it all comes out of a place of deep love for God and the Church. There are inevitably things that drive us nuts about such an imperfect (i.e., human) institution. Yet if we can’t observe and comment on our own foibles we’re left without much hope. And anyway if God doesn’t have a sense of humor, I’m hosed.”"

The Rev. Tim Schenck, rector of the Episcopal Parish of St. John the Evangelist in Hingham, Massachusetts, is a priest, author, syndicated columnist, blogger, and creator of the online devotional Lent Madness. Tim blogs at Clergy Family Confidential and is active on social media. Follow him on Twitter @FatherTim where you'll encounter a blend of inspiration, humor, and snark (not necessarily in that order). Tim lives in Hingham, Massachusetts.

"Cradle Episcopalians, newcomers, and seekers will all find solace and help in Father Tim's Church Survival Guide. Written with both humor and wisdom, Tim Schenck's book will appeal to all of us who both love The Episcopal Church and are driven nuts by some of its (unofficial) rituals. Father Tim's Church Survival Guide turns the kind of satiric eye on the church that can only be cast by one who is deeply faithful. I recommend it to everyone who wants to know—and survive—the church as it is in hopes of making it the church that it can be."—Gary Hall, dean, Washington National Cathedral

"From tips to help you choose a church to surviving the 12 Days of Christmas, also known as college bowl season, Tim Schenck nails his theses of humor directly on the ubiquitous red door of The Episcopal Church . . . and no one is safe. This book is a wonderful reminder that while Episcopalians take our faith very seriously, we are also invited to laugh at ourselves (and especially priests and bishops). If you enjoy the holiness that humor brings to the Church and to life, and you think laugher is one of God's favorite prayers, this book is for you. If not, put it down and step away now. You've been warned."—Laurie Brock, co-author of Where God Hides Holiness

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