What Size Are God's Shoes?

Kids, Chaos, and the Spiritual Life

Tim Schenck

Morehouse Publishing

Sep/2008, 144 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819223128



"It’s hard to have a God complex when your kids expect you to play garbage truck every night. This is the game where I lie on the floor as the boys stuff trucks, action figures, and plastic dinosaurs into my shirt. When the garbage truck is full to the point of overflowing, I go to the town dump by standing up. This is repeated ad nauseum. On any given day, I might find myself absolving sins in the name of the Church one moment and serving the cause of waste management the next."

Do you believe God can be found in both the miraculous and the mundane? Through 40 insightful and engaging essays, Tim Schenck helps us encounter God through the chaos of everyday life. The divine presence weaves its way into a family room fish tank, a child’s probing questions, the town pool, and the drive-thru window of the local fast food chain.

The Rev. Tim Schenck, rector of the Episcopal Parish of St. John the Evangelist in Hingham, Massachusetts, is a priest, author, syndicated columnist, blogger, and creator of the online devotional Lent Madness. Tim blogs at Clergy Family Confidential and is active on social media. Follow him on Twitter @FatherTim where you'll encounter a blend of inspiration, humor, and snark (not necessarily in that order). Tim lives in Hingham, Massachusetts.

"That Schenck is a husband, father, and pet owner is at the heart of this array of brief, genial essays on the little lessons to be learned from such a life. Although they are not sermons, many of his observations on SUVs, children's art, and home repairs can feel like the sorts of modern instances used by contemporary preachers to liven up reflection on the scripture of the day. Schenck is careful not to stray far from the everyday and the amusing."—Library Journal

"Schenck writes with humility and humor about the realities of parenting and his own limitations."—Episcopal Life

"You will thoroughly enjoy his 40 breezy essays and the lessons that are so neatly folded into them."—Diocese of San Joaquin

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