The Adventures of Cancer Girl and God

A Journey of Faith, Health, and Healing

Anna Fitch Courie

Church Publishing

May/2018, 216 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781640650107



Cancer diagnosis and treatment can make a person feel both frightened and powerless; Anna Fitch Courie takes a different approach: Join her as she embarks on an epic journey with God after finding out she has cancer. Cancer Girl wraps herself in a cape of grace, freely sharing her experiences of diagnosis, traversing the medical system, finding faith in God again, and learning to live with cancer. Cancer Girl learns that there is no stronger “magic word” than “Trust God.”

Part journal, part sage advice, Fitch Courie weaves her experience as a nurse throughout her story. Using her real-time blog posts during the course of diagnosis, treatment, and living with the disease, Fitch Courie covers the cycle of grief and relearning a new norm, offering assurance to others that they are not alone. Each chapter opens with Scripture that reflects the theme of the day. Section 1 covers early stages of the journey; Section 2 offers learnings from the experience; and Section 3 offers questions for the individual to reflect on their own illness and how they felt. Readers are encouraged to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with their illness in order to contribute to overall healing.

Anna Fitch Courie is an Army wife, nurse, and the author of three Christ Walk books and The Adventures of Cancer Girl who finds her calling where health and spirituality intersect. A consultant on building community coalitions on health, she is a graduate of Clemson University, the University of Wyoming, and Education for Ministry (EfM). She lives in Columbia, South Carolina.

“Having had melanoma in my 30s, I am so grateful for this piercingly honest, encouraging, real, and straightforward book. Courie offers her readers the open invitation to tell the truth of their experience of cancer, and to carry that experience into sustained prayer through reflection and journaling. Highly recommended.” ––Mary C. Earle, author of Days of Grace: MeditationsandPractices for Living with Illness“Anna Fitch Courie writes with a brutal honesty that’s refreshing and disturbing all at the same time. As a ‘cancer boy’ myself, I was there with her through every sentence of her book. There is no redemptive quality in having cancer. It’s not a God-induced opportunity to witness to our faith. As Anna writes: it just plain "sucks.” So, cancer can never give us a hyphenated identity, because our full identity, as Anna attests, is already grounded in the God who wonderfully created us and more wonderfully redeemed us in Jesus Christ.” –– The Right Reverend Scott Anson Benhase, Bishop of Georgia

“There is so much to love about Adventures of Cancer Girl and God! Imagine a memoir that is also a retrospective, accompanied by a playful workbook where the reader is invited to reflect on his or her own life alongside the author. Anna takes our hand and guides us through every nook and cranny of her diagnosis––from denial, to anger, to gratitude, to denial, to faith, to denial, to joy. Along the way, we reflect with her on our closest relationships, on our own anger or sadness, on our favorite swear words and deepest prayers. I found reading this book was like reading through the Psalms; all human emotions are present, and are of God. Honest, raw, and courageous, the author’s story is at once intensely personal and universal. Her experiences along her journey, even when solitary, remind her to reach out to those around her, and to God. You will find yourself journeying beside her and cheering her on, while leaning more deeply into your own life and faith." ––The Reverend Cricket Cooper, author of Chemo Pilgrim

“In Christ Walk Anna Fitch Courie invited us all on a journey, a Lenten walk with Jesus. Now she takes us on a hero's quest, with an honesty and tenacity like no other. Whether you have felt betrayed by your body, gone through the illness of a loved one, or simply strive each day to be a follower of Jesus, Cancer Girl inspires, challenges, motivates, and empowers all of us toward a closer relationship with God.” ––The Reverend Benjamin Gildas of Priest Pulse podcast

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