Tending the Holy

Spiritual Direction Across Traditions

Norvene Vest

Morehouse Publishing

Oct/2003, 224 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780819219183



"God is mystery," writes Norvene Vest in the Introduction to Tending the Holy, "and every form of religion is an effort to respond faithfully to the mystery of God by whatever name. The Divine breaks through into human experience in many ways, and humans respond variously to the awesome experience of God." And those various responses are what the contributors to Tending the Holy document.

In this provocative and cutting-edge collection readers are given the opportunity to see what spiritual direction looks like--and what questions are asked--through a variety of lenses. From an examination of the spiritual direction relationship in the Evangelical Christian tradition, to Buddhism and Hindu ones, to the better-known ones of the Benedictines, Carmelites, and Ignatians, and finally, to the contemporary lenses of feminism, Generation X, the institutional perspective, and even one based on the natural world and the spirituality of St. Francis, this collection explores unexplored territory. Tending the Holy is an important resource for spiritual directors and pastoral counselors.

Contributors include: Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi (New York); Ven. Tejadhammo Bhikku (Sangha Lodge Buddhist Monastery, Australia); Chrisopher Key Chapple (Loyola Marymount University); Rabbi Zari Weiss (Seattle, Washington); Sr. Marian Cowan, CSJ (Sisters of St Joseph of Carondelet, St. Louis, Missouri); Lisa Myers (La Canada, California); Dr. Michael Plattig (University of the Capuchins, Germany); Sister Katherine Howard, OSB (St. Benedict's Convent, St. Joseph, Minnesota); John H. Mostyn, CBC (Rome); The Rev. Dr. John Mabry ( San Francisco); Norvene Vest (Altadena, California), and The Rev. Dr. H. Paul Santmire (Watertown, Massachusetts).

The Spiritual Directors International Series – This book is part of a special series produced by Morehouse Publishing in cooperation with Spiritual Directors International (SDI), a global network of some 6,000 spiritual directors and members.

Norvene Vest has been involved in Christian formation for 30 years through one-to-one spiritual direction, leading retreats and workshops, and writing books. She is the author of Preferring Christ, Still Listening, and Tending the Holy. She lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.

"Although this book is more for the pastoral counselor or spiritual director, it is a wonderful series of essays for those of us interested in learning more about how we as humans encounter the living God and share the spiritual journey with one another. Tending the Holy is filled with more than just information on various expressions of spiritual direction across many traditions, it holds within its pages an opportunity to learn something new about the spiritual connections we have with the person sitting in the pew next to us on Sunday morning, as well as the person sitting across from us on Trax."--Dialogue


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