Naked Before God

The Return of a Broken Disciple

Martha Williams, Bill Williams

Morehouse Publishing

May/1998, 352 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780819218780

Bill Williams claims he was born with a “spine in the shape of a question mark.” The question “why?” has haunted him ever since his two siblings died of cystic fibrosis while he wrestled with the disease. Naked Before God: The Return of a Broken Disciple chronicles Williams’ quest to find the answer. His poetic prose, the sharpness of his wit, and the profound nature of his struggle will leave you alternating between tears of sorrow, periods of laughter, and moments of breathtaking insight.

Bill Williams had been a semi-professional musician, an electronics technician, and a computer and video game designer. He gave all that up to pursue a Master of Arts Degree from The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, where he received an Outstanding Biblical Studies Award in 1994. LSTC also honored Williams with the Confessor of Christ award for his first book, Naked Before God: The Return of a Broken Disciple. Bill Williams died of cystic fibrosis in May 1998.

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