Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2006

Church Publishing Incorporated

Church Publishing

Dec/2006, 533 Pages, Hardback, 6.25 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780898695106



The first edition of Lesser Feasts and Fasts was authorized more than 40 years ago to meet a liturgical and pastoral need for the commemoration of various saints and occasions not included as major Holy Days on the calendar of the Book of Common Prayer. Subsequent editions have been updated regularly to include biographical and liturgical material for new commemorations authorized for permanent or trial observance by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. This edition contains material approved for trial use by the 2006 General Convention. Among the names presented are Oscar Romero, Roman Catholic Bishop of El Salvador and martyr; James Theodore Holly, first African-American bishop in the Episcopal Church; and Vida Scudder, educator and reformer.

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