Holy Hospitality

Worship and the Baptismal Covenant

Clayton L. Morris

Church Publishing

Dec/2005, 120 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780898693591



What does it really mean to "proclaim the good news of God in Christ" and to "continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers?" These promises from the baptismal rite of the Book of Common Prayer have become very familiar to most Episcopalians, but they have yet to be fully lived out in most congregations. In this lively and accessible guide, Clayton Morris argues that everyone present on Sunday mornings has a ministry of hospitality, coming together in a proclamation of welcome to all.

Clayton L. Morris is retired from the Episcopal Church's staff as officer for liturgy and music. The wisdom he offers in Holy Hospitality is drawn from his many years of experience as a parish priest.

"For some, Holy Hospitality will raise eyebrows, and for others it will bring a sigh of relief. Morris has named the elephant in the worship space and recognized that its tail and trunk extend into daily life. He does not give the answers but pointedly asks congregational leaders to contextualize worship in terms of mission and ministry. It is well worth reading and reflecting upon by persons who are seeking to embody the fullness of the gospel imbedded in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer or its equivalent books in Lutheran, Presbyterian, United Methodist, and other churches."--The Rev. Daniel Benedict, retired Worship Resources Director, General Board of Discipleship, United Methodist Church"Holy Hospitality is an excellent primer for those who are just beginning liturgical leadership and is full of wisdom and friendly reminders for those who have been at it for a while. Everyone involved in parish worship--presiders, deacons, musicians, altar guilds, ushers, worship committee members--will profit from the rich experience that Dr. Morris brings to bear."--The Right Rev. J. Neil Alexander, Episcopal Bishop of Atlanta"Holy Hospitality sets the stage for a renewed conversation about worship and how people are drawn into God's own mission. Though written from an Anglican perspective, the shape and content of this book invites worship planners from other traditions into the dialogue, the hospitable back and forth of feeding and being fed."--The Rev. Michael Burk, Ph. D., Executive for Worship, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America"Clayton Morris has crafted a useful and very thoughtful handbook and guide to congregations intending to enhance the welcome they offer newcomers. The theology offered here, always mindful of matters of justice, has a hospitable baptismal heart."--The Rev. William Seth Adams, B.D., Ph.D., retired Professor of Liturgics, Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest"Morris has laid bare the inhospitable habits of our conventional parish life. When a parish is ready to begin dealing with this comfortable pathology, reading Holy Hospitality will be a good place to start."--The Rev. John Hill, Toronto, Canada, Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission

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