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Walter Bruggemann
Jan/2012, DVD, 5 x 7
SKU: 9781606740910
Walter Brueggemann, arguably America’s leading Old Testament scholar and theologian, takes us on a wild ride through the poetic prophecy of the Hebrew Scripture, identifying cultural contexts, putting a framework to Israel’s history, and, most significantly—and at times challengingly!—drawing connections between Israel’s sociological, economic and spiritual status and that of America today.
Session 1: Moses, Pharaoh, the Prophets and Us Session 2: The Prophets as Uncredentialed Purveyors of Covenant Session 3: Moral Coherence in a World of Power, Money and Violence Session 4: The Shrill Rhetoric that Breaks Denial Session 5: The Grief of Loss as Divine Judgment Session 6: The Promissory Language that Breaks Despair This DVD contains all video content needed to conduct this six-session study. Each session begins with a 10-15 minute video presentation by Brueggemann followed by filmed interaction with a diverse small group.
SOLD SEPARATELY. Embracing the Prophets in Contemporary Culture Participants Guide.
Walter Brueggemann is Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia. He has served the editorial councils of several journals and periodicals including Interpretation and Theology Today. He lives in Traverse City, Michigan.