
A Song for the Baptized

Caroline A. Westerhoff

Seabury Books

Feb/2004, 172 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9781596280090



The author begins her exploration of the Christian life with the memory of childhood afternoons spent rocking in green wicker chairs on her grandmother's front porch, listening to the stories of women who came to call. The image of calling as baptismal vocation, the sharing of time and conversation, the vision that informs our choices and actions is vividly described through Westerhoff's stories drawn from her life and work. Narratives of what it means to live as a Christian provide the variations on the baptismal themes of ministry, community, and responsibility in this "song for the baptized."

Caroline Westerhoff, formerly Canon for Congregational Life and Ministry and a consultant for the Alban Institute, is a writer and retreat leader. Her other works include Good Fences, Calling, and Transforming the Ordinary. She lives in Georgia.

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