As We Gather to Pray

An Episcopal Guide to Worship

Clayton L. Morris, Marilyn L. Haskel

Church Publishing

Jan/2000, 160 Pages, Paperback, 8 x 11

ISBN: 9780898692228



The thirteen fascinating essays in this book bring together theoretical articles and practical planning strategies to create a how-to guide for worship.

The editors have compiled the work of eighteen lay people and clergy actively serving the Church today in a variety of ministries. Article topics include style in worship, liturgical space, the role of the arts, dance, small church issues, etc. The planning strategies describe how to form a parish worship committee, to evaluate worship, to welcome children, to design service leaflets, to compose intercessions, to celebrate the Triduum, etc.

The book carries the publisher's permission for non-commercial reprinting of articles for local parish use. It is ideal for instruction or discussion in the worship committee or parish study groups.

Clayton L. Morris is retired from the Episcopal Church's staff as officer for liturgy and music. The wisdom he offers in Holy Hospitality is drawn from his many years of experience as a parish priest.

Marilyn Haskel is a career church musician with more than thirty-five years experience working in parishes in West Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Texas, and California. She was chair of the Standing Commission on Church Music when it produced Wonder, Love, and Praise published by Church Publishing. Currently, she is Music Associate at Trinity Episcopal Church, Wall Street, New York City working at historic St. Pauls Chapel, and she is a presenter with All Saints Company for their “Music That Makes Community" conferences.

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