All Desires Known

Third Edition

Janet Morley

Morehouse Publishing

Jan/2006, 160 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819222251



A classic and indispensable resource for public worship and private devotion that speaks to people across a range of traditions - both within and beyond the church. Composed in response to the desire for worship language of worship that's inclusive of women's experience yet deeply rooted in the words, stories, and images of Scripture, they have resonated not only with women, but with all who love the Bible and who want to pray with honesty and directness.

The third edition introduces a fresh selection of material on themes of global justice, as well as a contemporary Eucharist and prayers that coincide with the Revised Common Lectionary.

Janet Morley, formerly a director of Christian Aid, in the United Kingdom, is now Secretary for Adult Learning at the Methodist Church.

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