Making Money Holy

Demi Prentiss

Church Publishing

Apr/2020, 84 Pages, Paperback, 5 x 7

ISBN: 9781640652224



A challenge to live out our faith through the way we spend and share our financial resources.

Money has edged out sex as the forbidden topic of conversation in both secular and religious circles. Why do we think of money as shameful, whether we have lots or none at all? How can we in the church engage the topic of money in ways that are liberating and life-giving? How might we choose to deal with money in a way that is grounded in love? How do we understand money as holy? How do we recognize “enough?” Demi Prentiss shares why she believes, "we can come to understand the highest use of money as a tool for sharing God’s grace and for shaping the manifestations of God’s reign here on earth.” This book is a guide to looking at money honestly and practicing conscientious stewardship.

Demi Prentiss has been a ministry developer at the parish, diocesan, and church-wide levels for twenty-five years, and has seen the transformational effect of refocusing the church outside its own walls. She served as editor for the Episcopal Church Foundation's Finance Resource Guide and is the co-author of Radical Sending: Go to Love and Serve. She lives in Denton, Texas.

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