The Jesus Heist

Recovering the Gospel from the Church

C. Andrew Doyle

Church Publishing

Aug/2017, 208 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780819233516



Provocative readings of biblical stories, with thoughts on what they are saying to the church.

Inside the Church, we are constantly and consistently reading the gospels through the lens of supporting our own institution and structure. This prevents us from hearing the critique Jesus offered in his own day and his emphatic and persistent call to be and do differently now (Matthew 23:1–12). Stories include Widow’s Mite, Rich Young Ruler, Destruction of the Temple, Searching for the Lost Coin, Sower of the Seeds, Transfiguration, and the Great Commission. This book flips the script of many Bible stories, allowing us to hear Jesus’ call to change as one that is directed at us rather than as one we should direct toward others.

C. Andrew Doyle, the ninth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, summarizes his autobiography in six words: "Met Jesus on pilgrimage; still walking." He is author of Vocātiō, Unabashedly Episcopalian, Orgullosamente Episcopal, A Generous Community, and The Jesus Heist. He lives in Houston, Texas.

"Once again Bishop Andy Doyle has put his great, first-hand knowledge of the church in service to the rest of us. Andy has seen the church at our worst and best and still, out of love for Christ, comes through with a strong call to love and serve the church, not for what the church is (which, as Andy notes, is often a mess) but the church as it can be. For all of us who love Christ and keep trying to love Christ's body, this book is a welcomed word and a practical guide for how to help the church keep up with the movements of its living Christ."—Will Willimon, Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry and United Methodist Bishop, retired"Andy Doyle is an ecclesiastical breath of fresh air! His writing is insightful, witty, and formative. Read this book if you have found yourself questioning tradition, bored by Sunday morning routines, or wondering how to bring new life into any congregation. Andy knows the church is broken and invites us all to accept that lostness so that we can be found. Through his writing Andy grounds us in the fellowship of Jesus, does an analysis of where we wandered away from the Sinai traditions, and then cuts a path by which we can find our way back. We can let go of useless structures that don't lead us to love the world with eyes wide open. We can live again as a motley crew of Jesus who are present in the world, loving their neighbors! This book will free you to reimagine how you spend your time, talent and treasures for the coming kingdom." —The Rev. Becca Stevens, Episcopal priest, writer, and founder of Thistle Farms

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