A HymnTune Psalter, Book One Revised Common Lectionary Edition

Gradual Psalms: Advent Through the Day of Pentecost

Kevin R. Hackett, Carl P. Daw Jr.

Church Publishing

Jul/2007, 198 Pages, Paperback, 8.5 x 11

ISBN: 9780898695588

The HymnTune Psalter, an immediate success throughout the church when it debuted in 1998, has now been revised and reorganized for the Revised Common Lectionary. Book 1 contains all the psalms for Sunday worship from Advent through the Day of Pentecost.

These settings are ideal for congregations new to psalm singing because the refrains are based on familiar hymn tunes. The chants are in the Simplified Anglican Chant style which may be sung by the choir or a cantor. Explore the ancient practice of singing psalmody; enjoy unity with other mainline denominations who follow this lectionary.

Kevin R. Hackett is a priest, hymn writer, and member of the Society of St. John the Evangelist in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His hymn texts have been published in Wonder, Love, and Praise: A Supplement to The Hymnal 1982 and in collections of other churches.

Carl P. Daw, Jr. is an Episcopal priest and writer who served as the executive director of The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada from 1996 to 2009. He has been successively Secretary and Chair of the Standing Commission on Church Music of the Episcopal Church and was a consultant member of the Text Committee for The Hymnal 1982. Daw taught hymnology in the Master of Sacred Music program at the Boston University School of Music from 1996 to 2019 and at the Institute of Sacred Music at Yale Divinity School from 2018 to 2019. He lives in Watertown, Massachusetts.

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