The Crisis of Christian Nationalism

Report from the House of Bishops Theology Committee

Allen K. Shin, Larry R. Benfield

Church Publishing

Oct/2024, 128 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9781640658035



An urgent call for awareness of the dangers of Christian nationalism, including the origins and implications.

In 2022, Bishop Curry charged the House of Bishops Theology Committee to study Christian nationalism, an issue that has increasingly come to the forefront of conversations surrounding Christianity, democracy and white supremacy. The committee’s methodology in an Anglican framework of scripture, tradition, reason, and liturgy sheds light on the foundation of the movement and a path forward. They argue that it is sinful and violates the first and second of the Ten Commandments. Through careful examination of Christian nationalism, the Theology Committee warns members of the church not to fall into its trap, but instead to be a light to the world.

Spanish translation of the report, case study, and discussion guide included.

Una llamada urgente sobre los peligros del nacionalismo cristiano, con una guía de discusión.

En 2022, el obispo Curry encargó al Comité de Teología de la Cámara de Obispos de la iglesia Episcopal que estudiara el nacionalismo cristiano, una cuestión que está cada vez más presente en las conversaciones sobre cristianismo, democracia y supremacía blanca. La metodología del comité en un marco anglicano de Escritura, tradición, razón y liturgia arroja luz sobre los fundamentos del movimiento y marca un camino a seguir. Argumentan que es pecaminoso y viola el primero y el segundo de los Diez Mandamientos. Mediante un cuidadoso examen del nacionalismo cristiano, el Comité de Teología advierte a los miembros de la Iglesia de que no caigan en su trampa, sino que sean una luz para el mundo. En ingles y español con estudio de caso y guía.

Allen K. Shin is the Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. He serves as the chair of the House of Bishops Theology Committee of the Episcopal Church. He lives in New York, New York.

Larry R. Benfield was elected the thirteenth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas in 2006 and consecrated in 2007. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas.


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